Welcome Back!
About the forms:
- Bring ALL forms, whether completed or not, with you to the orientation meeting.
- Read all policy statement forms completely before signing.
- Complete as much as you can. If you have a question about the information required or how to fill-in a section or a form, leave it blank. These can be handled during the orientation meeting.
- Social Security Numbers MUST be provided where asked for.
- Make a note of any questions you may have so they can be discussed during the meeting.
Forms – All Employees
- Policy – Commissioner’s statement prohibiting unlawful harassment
- Acceptable Computer and Internet use
- Drug-Free Workplace
- FLSA_Employee Notification
- Form 10-50 Medical Information
- Employee Acknowledgment of Harassment form
- TCSG Employment Application – The Employment History section MUST be completed. Do NOT enter “See Resume”.
- Employee Emergency Information Sheet – Must have at least one contact with phone number and complete address. Provide more than one if possible.
- I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification – Complete Section 1, Employee Information and Verification only. Be sure to sign and date. Bring 1 document from List A or 1 each from List B and List C. Acceptable documents are listed in the Lists of Acceptable Documents which is on the page following the I-9 form
- G-4 State of Georgia Withholding Allowance
- W-4 Federal Withholding Allowance
- State Security Questionnaire and Loyalty Oath – Complete the information requested, but DO NOT sign the form before coming to the orientation meeting. the form must be signed during the meeting as it requires the signature of a notary.
- Worker’s Compensation
- Designation of Outstanding Wage Payment
- Business Transaction with the State of Georgia
- I.D. Authorization Form
- Selective Service Verification – Required only for male applicants ages 18-26
- State of Georgia Holiday Schedule – This links to the State of Georgia website. Once there, follow the path of Government > State Government > State Holidays
- Direct Deposit Authorization – A voided check (for checking) or deposit slip (for savings) must be provided along with the completed form.
Forms – Full Time Employees
- Are paid on the 15th and at the end of the month
- Are eligible for Flexible Benefits, the State Health plan and participation in one of two pension plans.
Employee Benefit Information sheet
Go to the following websites and review the information on flexible benefits, the State Health Plan and the two Retirement plans.
- www.team.georgia.gov >select GA Breeze – Enroll online after the orientation meeting
- Beneficiary Form > If you elect to participate in either the Employee Life Insurance plan or the Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan, you MUST complete this form designating your beneficiary or beneficiaries.
- www.dch.georgia.gov/SHBP
- For an overview, select SHBP Fact Sheet
- Select Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD) for description of each provider/plan
- Select SHBP Forms > Eligibility Forms
- To decline coverage, print and complete the Declination of Health Benefit Coverage
- To enroll in a plan, print and complete the EE Enrollment/Transfer Form (Note: If you answer No to Spouse Question #1, do NOT answer Spouse Questions 2 & 3)
- www.dch.georgia.gov/SHBP
- RETIREMENT PLANS – Both the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) and the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) have rules governing eligibility for former employees. You may review their policies on their websites. These policies/rules will be discussed in depth during your orientation meeting.
Forms – Part Time Employees
- Are paid on the 15th and at the end of the month. Each segment is termed a pay period.
- Are paid a pay period in arrears. That is, the time worked between the 1st and the 15th is paid in the check issued at the end of the month and the time worked between the 16th and the end of the month is paid in the check issued on the 15th of the next month.
- Paid based on the number of hours worked per week. The hours worked must be reported separately for each week and/or part of a week worked within a pay period and submitted to Payroll on the Employee Weekly Time Report – Standard Work Week.
- Are not eligible for Flexible Benefits or the State Health Plan
- Are enrolled in the Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP). However, there are certain situations in which an employee is exempt from the Plan. If you do not meet any of the exemption situations, you MUST enroll in the GDCP.
Click here to view information about the plan then complete either the enrollment form or the exemption form.
Enrollment Form, Print, complete Section 1, sign and date and bring to the orientation meeting.
Exemption from Membership in the Georgia Defined Contribution Plan form, Print, check the appropriate boxes, sign, date, attach the proper documentation and bring to the orientation meeting.