Asset Management

The Asset Management segment of the Operations Department is responsible for maintaining the capital inventory of the Central Office of TCSG. This section develops asset guidelines and processes to ensure proper inventory control as per the rules and regulations of the State of Georgia Property Management Guidelines and GASB34 requirements. As well, this section demonstrates a strong presence at the divisions and colleges in order to facilitate asset management procedures.

Bond Fund Management

The bond funds management segment of the Operations Department is responsible for the correct use of designated bond funds administered by The Technical College System of Georgia from the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC). This section maintains bond projects budgets on the behalf of colleges and approves their specific requested expenditures as bond appropriate. This section also is responsible for proper documentation and reporting of specific bond information as it relates to requirements of the Budgetary Responsibility Oversite Committee (BROC).

Contracts and Grants

The Office of Contracts and Grants reviews and processes contracts for the Central Office. In addition, this office serves as the Risk Management coordinator for the Central Office and the contact person for grants clearance through the State Clearinghouse (a part of OPB). In addition, the Office of Contracts and Grants serves as a consultant with technical college staff for contracts, grants and risk management.

Fleet Management

Fleet management is an area of the department which is responsible for the collection and consolidation of information pertaining to the divisions and technical college’s state owned vehicles. TCSG’s Fleet Management Coordinator requests and collects the divisions and colleges specific vehicle information (including VIN, odometer readings, assignments, etc), for required reporting to the Department of Administrative Services, Office of Fleet Management.

PeopleSoft Security

The Operations Department is responsible for PeopleSoft software security processing. This statewide software system requires extensive security measure adherence of all users in order to ensure the proper use of its functionality in areas of financial and human resource management, Citrix, and HR Query access. This segment of the department is responsible for the authorization, set-up, training enrollment and internal security of each user’s personal information for any division and college PeopleSoft user.

Receiving and Distribution

The Receiving and Distribution department handles several areas including:

  • Shipping and Receiving – Receiving of incoming mail, packages, and any other shipments sent to us from outside locations or within our organization.
  • Surplus Property – The Surplus Program is to redistribute surplus state and federal personal property, however, maintaining the accountability of all tangible property.
  • Training Sessions – Training sessions that are given by us are available here.

Records Management